
CRM / CEM Solutions

Knowing and understanding your customers’ needs and wants is invaluable. Understanding their behavior is key to effective marketing, and tailored and personalized communication that yields results.
Jacobsons Direct / Services & Solutions / CRM / CEM Solutions

Increasingly today, marketers are pressured to measure and optimize the impact of marketing expenditures. Specifically, companies must determine which marketing initiatives successfully influence consumer behavior and how to adjust the mix of marketing investments for even better results.

Our CRM Consulting is tailored to help you understand your customers better so that you can make the right marketing decisions and subsequent investments to increase your bottom line. We phase you into our staged approach based on your needs, your ability to act on results, and the time required to produce the most effective results.

Better Interact with your Customers.

Crm Architecture & Build

Knowing and understanding your customers’ needs and wants is invaluable. Understanding their behavior is key to effective marketing, and tailored and personalized communication that yields results.

Increasingly today, marketers are pressured to measure and optimize the impact of marketing expenditures. Specifically, companies must determine which marketing initiatives successfully influence consumer behavior and how to adjust the mix of marketing investments for even better results.

Our CRM Consulting is tailored to help you understand your customers better so that you can make the right marketing decisions and subsequent investments to increase your bottom line. We phase you into our staged approach based on your needs, your ability to act on results, and the time required to produce the most effective results.

Customer Experience

Value-loaded consumer experience is dependent on insightful and respectful leveraging of data, which in turn depends on your brand’s data strategy.

Data and the insights extracted from it power not only knowledgeable and discreet personalization, but also deep relevancy to the consumer … relevancy that goes beyond demographics or buying patterns to in-the-moment, next step choices that the consumer is making about a purchase or willingness to enter into a dialog with the brand.

Map and optimize your customer’s journey.