
Tele Interact

As data experts, we have a diversified team of inbound and outbound agents, who are trained specifically for your brand, your communications, your voice. Regardless of the size of your brand or company, we can deliver tailored solutions that suit your needs.
Jacobsons Direct / Specialist units / Tele Interact

Jacobson’s Tele Interact can drive in-bound or outbound telephone campaigns. Whether for short or long tactical assignments, Jacobson’s’ trained tele-agents team is proficient in the many languages, dialects and mannerisms communicated in the Middle East.

We understand the cultural barriers to get your message across, that’s why we can deploy the most effective team for your inbound or outbound campaigns, that deliver results.

You as the customer will have a full details overview of the campaign, and we can base our many decades of experience in tailoring the right communication script that works and delivers effective results.

Learn how we can be the voice to your Customer.